Introduction to Cybersecurity


The objective of this course is to raise awareness of the threats and challenges and to introduce the main concepts of cybersecurity. The aim is to present a guide of good practices applicable to all IT professionals, whether they are in training or activity.

Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures and lab. sessions.

Course Policies: Attendance to the lab. sessions mandatory.


 A set of references to additional resources (websites, documents, statistics, etc.) is also provided for trainers and students who would like to learn more about certain cybersecurity topics.


This course is open to all.

The following basic knowledge will facilitate the understanding of the students, but is not imperative:

  • Basic knowledge of information systems (properties, functioning, etc.);
  • Basic knowledge of the technical functioning of networks, operating systems and applications (this basic knowledge will be especially useful for module 3).


Structure of the awareness raising

Module 1 - Cybersecurity: basic concepts (5 hours)

  • Understand the motivations and the need for the security of information systems.
  • Know the basic definitions and the typology of threats

Module 2 - Computer hygiene rules (6 hours)

  • Understand and adopt basic cyber security hygiene rules for organizations and individuals

Module 3 - Cybersecurity: network and application aspects (4 hours)

  • Understand the vulnerabilities inherent in commonly used network and application mechanisms
  • Know the overview of technical security solutions

Module 4 - Cybersecurity management within an organization (3 hours)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the methods and standards for taking security into account:

    • in a global way within an organization whose activity is supported by an information system
    • in a more unitary way within projects, an activity being managed in project mode 
  • Understand and anticipate the difficulties commonly encountered in managing security in an organization 
  • Present the cybersecurity professions in the environment in which they operate within organizations.

Nb hours: 21,00

Evaluation: In each of the 7 sessions, students are given a CTF (Capture the flag) challenge, which they must solve and return in a maximum of 14 days. Each challenge counts for 5% of the final grade.

The final exam in the form of a QLect counts for 65% of the final grade.